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Security Terminology

Easily understandable explanations of common industry terms.

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    Okta alerts customers against new credential-stuffing attacks

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 31, 2024

    A cross-origin authentication feature in Okta’s customer identity cloud (CIC) is open to credential-stuffing attacks, the identity and access management company said in a security advisory.

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    Okta says Customer Identity Cloud prone to credential-stuffing attacks

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 31, 2024

    Okta notified its customers that the cross-origin authentication feature in its Customer Identity Cloud is now prone to being targeted by threat actors conducting credential stuffing attacks.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 390

    Broadcast Date:
    May 31, 2024

    22 minutes

    Podcast May 31, 2024

    Root Causes 390: Chrome Boosts Its Root Distrust Agility

    A root trust deprecation highlights new Chrome functionality that enables more agile and less disruptive distrust events.

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    Navigating The ‘90-Day Apocalypse’ For Digital Certificates

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 29, 2024

    In the late 1990s, the world held its breath as the infamous Y2K bug loomed over the horizon, threatening to disrupt every facet of modern life. Businesses across the globe scrambled to prepare, often spending exorbitant amounts to safeguard against potential fallout.

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    Attackers target old VPN accounts that relied on passwords

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 29, 2024

    Attackers were observed targeting remote-access VPNs from “various cybersecurity vendors” as a way to gain entry and exploit vulnerabilities in enterprise networks, according to Check Point Software.

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    Malicious Hackers Target Check Point VPNs to Breach Enterprise Networks

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 29, 2024

    Threat actors are targeting Check Point Software Technologies’ remote-access VPN devices in an ongoing campaign to breach enterprise networks.

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    Check Point Warns of Hackers Targeting Its Remote Access VPN

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 29, 2024

    Threat actors are targeting Check Point Remote Access VPN devices in an ongoing campaign to breach enterprise networks, the company has warned in a new advisory.

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    Attackers Target Check Point VPNs to Access Corporate Networks

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 29, 2024

    In recent months, researchers have observed an increase in attackers using remote access virtual private networks (VPNs) as a golden ticket for initial network access. Multiple cybersecurity vendors' solutions have been compromised, according to a recent Check Point blog post, prompting them to look into their own gear and whether it's being targeted.

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    Check Point warns of increase in enterprise attacks targeting vulnerable VPNs

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 29, 2024

    Cybersecurity company Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. is warning that it’s seeing a rise in threat actors exploiting remote-access virtual private network environments to gain authorized access to enterprises.

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    GitHub Issues Patch for Critical Exploit in Enterprise Server

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 28, 2024

    GitHub Issues Patch for Critical Exploit in Enterprise Server

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 389

    Broadcast Date:
    May 28, 2024

    27 minutes

    Podcast May 28, 2024

    Root Causes 389: 2024 RSA Conference Wrap Up

    Jason and Tim do their annual RSA wrap-up. Trending segments include AI, Trust Centers, MFA, PQC, and more.

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    The Gately Report: Sectigo Partners Benefit from Google Chrome Policy Change

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 23, 2024

    Sectigo’s new North America channel leader says a massive opportunity is on the horizon for Sectigo partners due to a Google Chrome proposed policy change.