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Security Terminology

Easily understandable explanations of common industry terms.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 344

    Broadcast Date:
    November 29, 2023

    17 minutes

    Podcast Nov 29, 2023

    Root Causes 344: Introducing the PQC Onramp

    NIST continues the search for PQC algorithms, especially those using non-Lattice schemes. We explain the PQC "onramp" and what we should expect.

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    TLS/SSL Handshake Errors & How to Fix Them

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 23, 2023

    Transport Layer Security (TLS), also called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is a security protocol that encrypts data exchanged between two points on the internet (e.g., a web server and a browser). It also authenticates a website's identity.

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    The UK is boosting its AI and quantum research funding

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Nov 23, 2023

    Part of the UK strategy is to deploy an advanced quantum network at by 2035 with benefits for healthcare, telecoms, transport and more. However, for Tim Callan, chief experience officer at Sectigo, Hunt’s 10-year quantum plan falls short when it comes to safeguarding encryption security.

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    Cybersecurity Tips to Help CISOs Prepare for Holiday Time Off

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 22, 2023

    Organizations experience 30% more ransomware attacks during the holiday season, with a 70% average increase in attempted ransomware attacks in November and December compared with January and February. Many factors converge to make defending our infrastructures more challenging, such as increased online transactions and a shortage of IT resources as employees go on vacations.

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    Why Are Code Signing Certificates Shipped on Tokens?

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 22, 2023

    How can a user be sure software has not been tampered with during the distribution process? We need a verification process Code Signing enhances trust and prevents the spread of malware and are proven to be reliable and sure over decades of widespread use. However, did you know about the recent standards update that added a hardware token requirement? Here's how a token can help you improve security.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 343

    Broadcast Date:
    November 22, 2023

    26 minutes

    Podcast Nov 22, 2023

    Root Causes 343: The EIDAS 2.0 Controversy

    A controversial aspect of the upcoming eIDAS 2.0 standard is that it limits browsers' ability to determine their own trusted roots. We explain.

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    The five astonishing technologies that will be here by 2100, according to experts

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Nov 20, 2023

    Tim Callan, Chief Experience Officer at security firm Sectigo, told, 'With the acceleration of deep fake technology, people will no longer be able to trust the authenticity of a digital record, whether a photo, video or voice recording.

    'Given our current reliance on digital records within our legal, security and digital systems, people will no longer be able to trust what they see without a solution.

    'This is why by 2100, all forms of recording devices will have a built-in encrypted timestamp, acting as a watermark at the time of capture. These encrypted watermarks will separate authentic images from deepfakes to re-establish digital trust in images, videos and recordings.'

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    AI concerns | What are 'deepfakes', and how could they impact your workforce?

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Nov 20, 2023

    Nick France, CTO of Sectigo, says that this could have an impact on voice and face recognition employees currently use to authenticate themselves.

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    How Can I Manage Certificates From Multiple Public CAs?

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 20, 2023

    Should you purchase all your digital certificates from one Certificate Authority (CA) or get them from different ones?

    Let's explore the pros and cons of using multiple CAs and how a robust, CA-agnostic Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) platform allows you to enjoy the benefits that several different CAs provide.

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    What Is a Credential Vault?

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 17, 2023

    Most organizations face increasingly complex IT environments with growing numbers of security credentials. This often hampers IT efficiency and poses increasing risks of intrusion and data breach. Plus, ensuring everything complies with the latest policy and compliance requirements is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 342

    Broadcast Date:
    November 17, 2023

    11 minutes

    Podcast Nov 17, 2023

    Root Causes 342: Don't Change Your Password for Two Years

    The CA/Browser Forum rules stipulate how often forced password changes for CA employees are to occur. They set a MINIMUM time. Join us to learn why.

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    60 minutes

    Webinar Nov 16, 2023

    How to build a crypto-agile security organization

    Join our webinar to learn what it takes to be truly crypto-agile and the benefits it brings to an organization.