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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 411

    Broadcast Date:
    August 9, 2024

    20 minutes

    Podcast Aug 09, 2024

    Root Causes 411: PQC Security Levels

    Repeat guest Bas Westerbaan of Cloudflare talks through the concept of "security levels" in post-quantum cryptography.

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    What is quantum computing and its business implications

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 08, 2024

    Quantum computing excites and concerns leaders, threatening encryption but offering huge opportunities. Balance risks for a competitive edge.

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    Sectigo announces significant financial benefits in Forrester TEI study

    A Press Release from Sectigo

    Press Release Aug 08, 2024

    SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., — August 08, 2024 — Sectigo, a global leader in digital certificates and automated Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM), is proud to announce the results of a Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study which reveals substantial financial benefits for organizations implementing Sectigo Certificate Manager (SCM).

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    S/MIME encryption: What it is and how does it work?

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 07, 2024

    Malicious emails pose a major threat due to their simplicity and ubiquity. S/MIME enhances email security, improving both integrity and confidentiality.

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    Forrester TEI Study

    A Whitepaper from Sectigo

    Whitepaper Aug 07, 2024

    Sectigo Certificate Manager automates certificate management, reducing costs and outages. Forrester study shows $3.39M net benefit & 243% ROI over 3 years.

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    Standing Up a Defense Network for Black Hat: A Herculean Feat

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Aug 07, 2024

    The annual Black Hat conference, happening this week in Las Vegas, is renowned not only for its cutting-edge presentations and workshops but also for its robust cybersecurity measures that protect the large event from malicious threat actors.

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    Massive CrowdStrike outage caused by an out-of-bounds memory error

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Aug 07, 2024

    In a root cause analysis posted Aug. 6, CrowdStrike said the massive outage last month that caused delays at airports worldwide and derailed hundreds of businesses was caused by an out-of-bounds memory read error beyond the end of the input data array.

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    Cybersecurity Certifications: What Employers and Tech Pros Are Looking For

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Aug 06, 2024

    Earning a cybersecurity certification is one way tech professionals can signal commitment and technical knowledge to potential employers. But given the thousands of cybersecurity positions that remain open, do you actually need to go through the effort and expense of earning one or more certifications in order to land a cybersecurity role, or can you depend solely on your skills?

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 410

    Broadcast Date:
    August 6, 2024

    15 minutes

    Podcast Aug 06, 2024

    Root Causes 410: CrowdStrike, Automatic Updates, and Walled Gardens

    Microsoft blames the problem on the fact that it must, by European law, allow kernel updates to Windows. We unpack the challenges this poses.

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    How much does an SSL certificate cost? Considerations & purchasing process

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 05, 2024

    SSL certificates secure websites. Costs vary by type. Purchase involves choosing a CA, validating, and installing. Sectigo provides support.

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    Cybersecurity Certifications: What Employers and Tech Pros Are Looking For

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Aug 05, 2024

    Earning a cybersecurity certification is one way tech professionals can signal commitment and technical knowledge to potential employers. But given the thousands of cybersecurity positions that remain open, do you actually need to go through the effort and expense of earning one or more certifications in order to land a cybersecurity role, or can you depend solely on your skills?

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 409

    Broadcast Date:
    August 2, 2024

    15 minutes

    Podcast Aug 02, 2024

    Root Causes 409: Mozilla Distrusts Entrust

    This week Mozilla chose to follow Chrome in deprecating the Entrust trusted roots. We give you the details and explain why this action matters.