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Tech Document Sep 26, 2018

How to Generate Certificate Signing Request on Barracuda Spam Firewall

This article will go into detail on how to generate certificate signing request on Barracuda Spam Firewall.

In order to generate a Certificate Signing Request for your Barracuda Firewall, navigate to the Advanced > SSL or Advanced > Secure Administration page and follow these steps:

  1. Fill in all of your organization's information on the Certificate Generation section of the page. The Common Name field should match your Barracuda unit's hostname (configured near the bottom of the Basic > IP Configuration page) exactly.
  2. Click the Save Changes button.
  3. Click the Download button next to Download Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to download a copy of the CSR the Barracuda device has now generated.
  4. Open the CSR file with a text editor and copy and paste it (including the BEGIN and END tags) into the Certificate order form.
  5. After you receive your SSL Certificate, you can install it.

More information about generating a CSR for your Barracuda can be found directly from Barracuda Networks.