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Your baby monitor can be hacked by cyber crooks to spy on you ‘with ease’, experts warn

CYBER criminals could be using smart cameras and baby monitors to spy on you if you haven't changed the default passwords.

This is according to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which found that criminals could access live feeds from the devices.

 Users of smart cameras and baby monitors have been warned to update their passwords
Users of smart cameras and baby monitors have been warned to update their passwordsCredit: Getty Images - Getty

NCSC is the government agency in charge of cyber defence in the UK.

It made the warning announcement alongside consumer group Which?.

To address the issue both groups want to encourage the owners of smart devices to change their default password.

They suggest a password made up of three random words that you'll remember should hopefully keep you safe from the likes of thieves and criminals who could be using a live feed of your home for sinister purposes.

 One fear is that thieves could use footage of your home to plan burglaries
One fear is that thieves could use footage of your home to plan burglariesCredit: Getty Images - Getty

Users of smart cameras and baby monitors are also advised to update their software regularly.

If you use the camera but not the feature which allows you to remotely access it from the internet then it's recommended you turn that feature off.

The UK government has been working to make sure internet of things (IoT) devices sold in the country match security standards.

It is trying to make manufacturers of these smart devices adhere to new rules.

Jake Moore, Cybersecurity Specialist at ESET, told us: “Three random words is a good starting block for passwords, but to properly help protect users we really want to see the use of password mangers increasing.

 "Password managers should not be feared; many people think that putting all their passwords in one place on the cloud will make them somewhat vulnerable to attack. However, it’s the opposite that is true.

"The clever use of two factor authentication, 2FA, and robust encryption are a far stronger mix than having to remember hundreds of accounts each with three random words.

 "Furthermore, to fully protect your IoT devices, you should look at implementing 2FA on each of the devices directly too.”

Tim Callan, Senior Fellow at Sectigo, said: "Connected device security stands to benefit from well-considered legislation and guidance, like these set out by the NCSC.

"But, while this advice is a good start, we must not fall into the trap of believing that passwords are sufficient to address identified gaps in IoT security.

"Unfortunately, despite the NCSC recommendations for unique, secure passwords, the password paradigm is fundamentally vulnerable to well-established techniques including phishing, social engineering, and credential stuffing.

"To get around these problems, manufacturers should consider Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions, which can provide a more trustworthy identity for devices."

What is the Internet of Things?

Here's what you need to know about the IoT...

  • The Internet of Things  (IoT) is a system of interconnected computing devices in everyday objects that allow them to send and recieve data
  • In the consumer market the IoT is most ocmmonly associated with "smart home" devices that interconnect like security cameras, speakers, baby monitors and AI assistants like Amazon Alexa
  • Ther are a number of growing concerns about the privacy and security of the IoT
  • Problems include the fact that if a devices are hacked they can be used to spy on you
Mum sees stranger's bedroom through baby monitor

In other news, a popular baby monitor has been blasted by experts for having vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to access the device and view images and videos.

Android users have been warned that some hugely popular apps on the Google Play Store could put them at risk.

And, here's how to find out if someone is logged into your Facebook and spying on you.

Are you concerned about the smart devices in your home? Let us know in the comments...

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