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    The Extended Validation Green Address Bar Matters, Here’s Why

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 14, 2018

    When it comes to interacting online, everything is a matter of trust. Spam emails and clever phishing attacks make it more challenging to determine what’s legitimate and what isn’t, putting businesses and consumers on edge. Without trust, customers are reluctant to share sensitive information or conduct transactions online.

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    TLS 1.3 Published by IETF

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Aug 13, 2018

    On Thursday, August 9 the IETF published TLS 1.3 as an approved standard, following its publication as a proposal in March 2018. TLS 1.3 offers important improvements in both security and connection speed, and adoption among software and service vendors is already well underway, including support in Chrome, Firefox, and Cloudflare.

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    EV SSL Certificates for Online Business Are Worth the Time and Money

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article Jul 19, 2018

    It’s widely understood that Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are a little bit costlier for online businesses in budget and implementation time than Domain Validation (DV) certificates. Even though the expense and effort needed for EV are trivial compared to other parts of the security stack, many businesses will go for the cheapest and easiest solution unless presented with a compelling reason to do otherwise.

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    SSL Certificate Distrust Issue Persists: 800K+ Websites at Risk

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jul 18, 2018

    Two months ago, Comodo CA released findings from research conducted to determine the scope and potential consequences of the upcoming Google Chrome distrust of all former Symantec SSL certificates issued prior to December 1, 2017.

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    Google Chrome Labels All Non-SSL Pages “Not secure”

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 20, 2018

    As of July 24, 2018 Google Chrome release 68 marks all sites not protected by SSL as “Not secure” immediately to the left of the URL. The “Not secure” warning occurs even on pages that don’t share or collect any kind of confidential information.

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    How To Choose The Right SSL Certificate

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 13, 2018

    A parent preparing a toddler for their first beach vacation and a seasoned kayaker preparing for Zambia's Ghostrider rapid will not reach for the same life jacket. In the world of digital security, the purposes and specs of the various products, including SSL certificates, are also highly relevant to the consumer, although the differences between them may not be so immediately clear. But in both cases, it’s extremely important that the customer find the right fit.

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    How Extended Validation SSL Directly Benefits Online Business

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 06, 2018

    We have written earlier about how Extended Validation (EV) SSL is an important and effective component of online business’s fight against phishing. These certs only matter, however, if sites use them.

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    Extended Validation SSL’s Role in Combatting Phishing

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post May 30, 2018

    Extended Validation (EV) SSL is an important component in any online business’s fight against phishing. Phishing is a form of social engineering attack (otherwise known as a con) in which the phisher fools the victim into thinking he or she is visiting a trusted website.

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    More Than a Million Distrusted Symantec Certs Still in Use

    A News Article from Sectigo

    News Article May 17, 2018

    More than one million distrusted digital SSL / TLS certificates from Symantec are still in use and failure to replace these certificates will result in site breakage in upcoming version of major browsers, including Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, according to a report from Comodo CA Limited.

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    Comodo CA Research Finds Over 1 Million Distrusted Website Certificates from Symantec Remain in Use

    A Press Release from Sectigo

    Press Release May 16, 2018

    Leading Certificate Authority Aims to Help Businesses and Consumers Worldwide Increase Security of Professional and Personal Internet Usage and Prevent Potential Loss of Business

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    Comodo CA & DonDominio Partner in Spain to Deliver a Unified Platform

    A Press Release from Sectigo

    Press Release Apr 25, 2018

    Spanish market sees an increased need for EV certificates due to the exponential growth in phishing attacks. EV certificates identify legitimate sites.

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    On Comodo CA’s Recent Revocation of an SSL Certificate for Stripe, Inc

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Apr 18, 2018

    In March of 2018, Comodo CA revoked an SSL certificate issued to Stripe, Inc, a legal business entity incorporated in Kentucky. This certificate had originally been issued to blogger Ian Carroll as part of his effort to scrutinize how Extended Validation SSL certificates are treated in browsers. Ian spoke out on social media after revocation of his certificate, which brought his case to the attention of Comodo CA’s senior management team.