Sectigo Begins Issuing Certificates on New Sectigo-Branded Root

On January 14, 2019, we started the next planned stage of our brand transition from Comodo CA to Sectigo, issuing new customer certificates from Sectigo-branded issuing CAs under our widely trusted USERTrust root CAs.
Last November, we proudly adopted the name Sectigo, evolving from the Comodo CA brand, signaling to our customers that we have expanded our offerings beyond SSL certificates and into IoT, web security, and other exciting new areas. Any major change carries other, smaller changes in its wake, and it is important that our customers know we began implementing one of those changes this week.
On January 14, 2019, we started the next planned stage of our brand transition from Comodo CA to Sectigo, issuing new customer certificates from Sectigo-branded issuing CAs under our widely trusted USERTrust root CAs.
What will change for you, our customers? Very little. The transition will happen seamlessly, with no action required on your part. Your existing certificates, issuing CAs, and roots will remain active and trusted. All Sectigo-issued certificates will maintain the ubiquitous, global trust you have come to expect with your Comodo CA certificates. Don’t worry, the reputation and credibility enjoyed by Comodo CA certificates are alive and well at Sectigo.
The new Sectigo intermediates will ensure a smooth changeover, fulfilling new requests, renewals, and any requests pending at the time of the transition. Reissue requests that are handled directly by Sectigo will be fulfilled using the same issuing CA the issued your original certificate, and if you wish to reissue any certificates from the new Sectigo issuing CAs proactively, you can do so by contacting support or your account manager—they’ll get you squared away quickly.
This is a small but important step as Sectigo moves into the future, and we are pleased to be able to make it as straightforward as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact your account manager or email Sectigo Customer Support if you have any further questions about this transition. As always, thank you being a part of the Sectigo family!