Podcast Nov 05, 2020
Root Causes 127: What a Chief Compliance Officer at a Public CA Does
Our hosts discuss what compliance means at a public Certificate Authority (CA) like Sectigo and what the Chief Compliance Officer does.
Podcast Jul 24, 2020
Root Causes 108: Why Do Certificates Expire?
Root expirations occasionally make headlines by breaking systems, but it's a fact that certificates expire every day, each a outage waiting to happen.
Podcast Jul 14, 2020
Root Causes 106: Massive Intermediate Certificate Distrust on the Way
14 public CAs have to revoke intermediates and destroy their keys, putting millions of active SSL, S/MIME, and other public certificates at risk.
Blog Post Jul 02, 2020
Google has identified intermediate certificates from public CAs that violate CABF Baseline Requirements and pose security risk. Sectigo is unaffected.
Webinar Jun 17, 2020
Q2 Sectigo Pulse webinar
Join us for our 2020 Q2 webinar where we discuss the latest product and compliance news and how these events might impact you and your business.
Podcast Jun 12, 2020
Root Causes 99: AddTrust Root Expiration Explained
The recent expiration of Sectigo's AddTrust legacy root caused some systems to stop working and forced some admins to keep working over the weekend.
Blog Post Jun 02, 2020
This past Saturday Sectigo’s twenty-year-old AddTrust legacy root expired. Read here to learn what happened and why.
News Article Apr 24, 2020
Certificate authority oversight was complex and arduous prior to COVID-19, but social distancing requirements, quarantines and shelter-in-place orders have made the in-person meetings required to secure and verify digital certificates enormously difficult.
Webinar Mar 26, 2020
Q1 2020 Sectigo Pulse Webinar
Join us to learn about the latest product and compliance updates along with other industry news that could have an impact on your business.
Notification Feb 18, 2020
The ability to cross-sign certificates with the AddTrust Legacy root is due to expire at the end of May 2020. Here's what you need to know.
Podcast Jan 22, 2020
Root Causes 62: Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability Explained
A new Windows vulnerability allows creation of fake certificates on trusted roots. This episode explains possible exploits and what to do about them.
Podcast Nov 25, 2019
Root Causes 53: 2019 Lookback - Governments Try to Control PKI
It's been an eventful year for PKI. In this episode our hosts discuss how governments sought to control encryption, certificates, and public trust in 2019.