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Broadcast Date:
June 23, 202316 minutes
Podcast Jun 23, 2023Root Causes 313: SSL Revocation Reason Codes
We explain the allowed public SSL revocation reason codes, along with some explicitly forbidden reason codes and the backstory behind them.
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Broadcast Date:
June 20, 202315 minutes
Podcast Jun 20, 2023Root Causes 312: Why You Shouldn't Roll Your Own Crypto
Don't roll your own crypto. We describe the findings from 2021 research that investigating the root causes of problems in cryptographic systems.
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Broadcast Date:
June 16, 202314 minutes
Podcast Jun 16, 2023Root Causes 311: What Is CCADB?
We describe CCADB, the Common CA Database. We explain the role of CCADB in the WebPKI and how this role is evolving.
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Broadcast Date:
June 13, 202325 minutes
Podcast Jun 13, 2023Root Causes 310: Another AI Episode
In this episode we continue to explore the capabilities of AI to replicate known people in deep fakes with AI-generated content.
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Broadcast Date:
June 8, 202311 minutes
Podcast Jun 08, 2023Root Causes 309: What Is Key Attestation for Code Signing?
New rules require delivery of code signing certificates by secure HSM. We describe the key attestation method of delivery.
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Broadcast Date:
June 5, 202318 minutes
Podcast Jun 05, 2023Root Causes 308: E-Tugra Root Deprecation
For the second time in under twelve months, a major browser is deprecating a CA's public trust. This time it's E-Tugra.
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Broadcast Date:
May 31, 202314 minutes
Podcast May 31, 2023Root Causes 307: OT Red Teaming Leads to Malware Attack
In this episode we describe how tools from operational technology red team exercises are being repurposed for malware attacks.
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Broadcast Date:
May 26, 202313 minutes
Podcast May 26, 2023Root Causes 306: Certificate Transparency Logs and Privacy
Certificate Transparency (CT) logs do a lot of good for the WebPKI. They also, however, carry with them some privacy concerns.
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Broadcast Date:
May 24, 202314 minutes
Podcast May 24, 2023Root Causes 305: The Fifth Pillar of Certificate Lifecycle Management
In our episode 143 we introduced the Four Pillars of Certificate Lifecycle Management. Now, two years later, we introduce a fifth pillar of CLM.
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Broadcast Date:
May 19, 202314 minutes
Podcast May 19, 2023Root Causes 304: Your 90-day SSL Certificates Checklist
90-day maximum term for SSL certificates is coming. An expert details his 4-point checklist for preparing enterprises for these shorter-lived certificates.
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Broadcast Date:
May 16, 202319 minutes
Podcast May 16, 2023Root Causes 303: A Return to Chrome and the Address Bar
In this follow up to episode 300, we catch the listener up on Chrome's longstanding program to minimize the URL in its interface.
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Broadcast Date:
May 12, 202313 minutes
Podcast May 12, 2023Root Causes 302: Intel Secure Boot Private Key Leak
Resulting from a recent ransomware attack, a private key from Intel has been exposed, affecting more than a hundred OEM components.