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Blog Post Sep 19, 2024

Quantum computing: Exploring top concerns & the positive impact it could have

Quantum computing could revolutionize cybersecurity, but also introduces serious risks, including making current encryption methods obsolete. As quantum computers become more powerful, they may compromise cryptographic systems like RSA and ECC, allowing attackers to decrypt sensitive data stored today. However, quantum computing also offers potential benefits, such as enhanced data protection through new cryptographic methods like Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and collaborative research into post-quantum security. Organizations must prepare to adapt, balancing the threats and opportunities posed by quantum technology.

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Change is afoot in the always-evolving world of cybersecurity and cryptography, but this time, anticipated developments are increasingly feared. Soon, the cryptographic practices we've relied on for years may no longer prove effective. The source of this shakeup? Quantum computing and quantum cryptography.

This evolution has frequently been referred to as the Quantum Apocalypse, and for good reason: quantum may have its benefits, but it could be truly devastating from a cybersecurity standpoint especially for organizations who are not prepared. With previously effective cryptographic measures no longer keeping cybercriminals at bay, it will take a new, stronger, and more nuanced set of algorithms to protect sensitive data.

That being said, quantum computing is not all bad. It will likely unlock digital transformation, make data transmission more secure, and much more. Ideally, we will find ways to overcome anticipated security deficits while still harnessing the power of quantum computing where it's most valuable.

To that end, we've highlighted the opportunities and challenges associated with quantum technology below. Keep reading to discover what's in store as the Quantum Apocalypse draws near—and to learn what it will take to leverage the advantages of quantum technology while dealing with quantum computing concerns.

Concerns surrounding quantum computing

To the uninitiated, quantum computing may seem like an exciting possibility—greater computer power can unleash impressive digital opportunities, after all. When focusing exclusively on cybersecurity, however, quantum computing is highly concerning, as it limits the efficacy of many tried-and-trusted systems and may even erode the general sense of digital trust we've built via once-dominant security solutions.

Qubits, or quantum bits, form the foundation of this system, going beyond the traditional bits from classical computers to simultaneously represent both 0 and 1. This underscores the huge speedup in cracking algorithms, which, in turn, makes once-effective security solutions all but obsolete. Associated concerns worth addressing include:

Current encryption methods will be vulnerable

The main fear about quantum computing is that it will compromise the framework of modern digital security. Current cryptographic systems were designed according to 'traditional' computers, which were not capable of cracking certain algorithms, or, at least, not at the swift pace expected from tomorrow’s powerful quantum computers.

Previously powerful algorithms such as RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) cannot stand up to quantum computing. Simply put, quantum computers can solve these complicated mathematical problems at a rapid pace and therefore can crack algorithms that once seemed out of reach for traditional computers.

Sensitive data could be stolen today and decrypted later

Bad actors are already preparing for a future in which quantum solutions are easily accessible. Strategies known as Store Now, Decrypt Later (SNDL) or "Harvest and Decrypt" may allow cybercriminals to play the long game; they can acquire and store information in the present and patiently wait until quantum strategies allow them to get past previously effective encryption safeguards.

The threat of quantum attacks will rise

The quantum revolution could give rise to a new, difficult-to-prevent series of threats or exploits known as quantum attacks. These sophisticated attacks will leverage quantum computing to get past encryption solutions and compromise sensitive data.

Shor's algorithm provides powerful insight into the future threat of quantum attacks. Referencing the efficient factoring of large composite numbers into their prime factors, this algorithm was discovered in 1994 but is now expected to help bad actors easily handle algorithms that would have been computationally challenging for the computers of yesteryear. This will render once-effective security solutions cryptographically vulnerable.

This demonstrates the importance of crypto agility for organizations to be able to adapt quickly to emerging threats as they arise.

Privacy-enhancing technology may be at risk

In recent years, we have relied on the blockchain and other elements of Web3 to keep sensitive information secure. While many advocates previously regarded the blockchain as all-powerful, it is increasingly clear that this was never the case and that the blockchain has always been rife with risk.

Moving forward, organizations committed to the blockchain will need to acknowledge the strong potential for quantum computing to disrupt even the most advanced blockchain technologies. This includes consensus mechanisms like proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS), which have thus far proven fundamental to the integrity of the entire blockchain.

This presents especially significant concerns due to the current popularity of cryptocurrency. As a result, many of today's most trusted cryptocurrencies could become vulnerable to counterfeiting or theft.

Regulatory challenges will need to be addressed

While comprehensive regulations provide guidance for many issues surrounding the present-day digital landscape, we will need new standards and best practices to address emerging concerns related to quantum computing. Especially important: quantum-resistant encryption standards, which will be crucial for protecting everything from financial information to government data.

Additional regulations may prove necessary from an intellectual property standpoint. For example, these regulations may determine how the application of quantum algorithms can be patented. In general, the regulatory frameworks of tomorrow will need to be comprehensive, addressing everything from data privacy to economic and ethical concerns.

Ethical issues could arise

Quantum computing presents many ethical concerns beyond worries about data privacy and sophisticated attacks. Many issues relate to inequality, which stems from the high cost of quantum computing. Because it is so expensive, only large organizations may be able to utilize this cutting-edge technology—and only select nations may possess the resources needed to leverage quantum solutions while combating quantum risks.

Organizations (and communities) that struggle to utilize quantum computing will be left behind, unable to fully embrace the most impactful artificial intelligence or machine learning solutions. After all, these will come to rely on quantum computing to process vast quantities of data. Other ethical concerns center around surveillance and data interception. As a wealth of data is intercepted and decrypted, privacy concerns will escalate.

The positive impacts of quantum computing

Despite the concerns highlighted above, many qualities set quantum computing apart, with some advantages even promising to help overcome its inherent challenges. As we plan for this emerging technology, we must keep these opportunities and use cases top of mind.

Cybersecurity defenses will strengthen

Quantum computing will usher in a new, more powerful era of data protection, in which we are no longer content to stick with the status quo of cryptographic standards. Challenges presented by quantum computing will force the cybersecurity industry to develop more powerful and nuanced solutions, such as multi-party computation (MPC) protocols or Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols. Post-quantum cryptography strategies such as lattice-based cryptography are forming a solid foundation for the quantum-resistant solutions of the future.

Data transmission will be more secure

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols promise to secure otherwise vulnerable communication channels while also helping to detect any attempts at intercepting data. Meanwhile, solutions such as quantum repeaters are believed to support the distribution of cryptographic keys over significant distances, thereby extending the range made available by QKD.

Collaborative research efforts will grow

Currently, many top researchers and organizations are in a race to develop impactful, quantum-resistant security solutions. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), for example, guides in-depth research via powerful partnerships with the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) and the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI).

Furthermore, NIST is leading the charge for standardizing quantum-resistant algorithms; in 2023, they announced the first four post-quantum algorithm winners. On August 13, 2024, they also released the first three FIPS PQC standards in FIPS-203, FIPS-204, and FIPS-205.

Meanwhile, the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) facilitates even greater collaboration in hopes of "enabling the quantum ecosystem." These collaborative efforts could have ripple effects that lead to other exciting technological advancements.

Reduce concerns in the post-quantum era with Sectigo

The impending quantum era will spark unique concerns and unique opportunities. The goal: to prevent or mitigate key challenges while still leveraging the power of quantum technology.

At Sectigo, we are committed to preparing for this rapidly evolving digital landscape. Learn more about our quantum solutions and initiatives and how we can help your organization address quantum computing concerns and prepare for the post-quantum era.

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