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Broadcast Date:
August 31, 202014 minutes
Podcast Aug 31, 2020Root Causes 116: Ripple20 Exposes TCP/IP Vulnerabilities for IoT
Ripple20 is a set of vulnerabilities in the early Treck TCP/IP stack, a popular IoT choice. Learn their significance and how we can avoid these problems.
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Broadcast Date:
August 27, 202011 minutes
Podcast Aug 27, 2020Root Causes 115: Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) Certificates
SXG certificates enable the display of AMP pages with the original publisher's authenticated URL in the mobile reader.
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Broadcast Date:
August 21, 202012 minutes
Podcast Aug 21, 2020Root Causes 114: Is Quantum Computing a Threat to SHA-2?
Do quantum computers threaten SHA-2 and other hashing algorithms? Our hosts discuss the difference between Shor's Algorithms and Grover's Algorithm.
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Broadcast Date:
August 18, 202017 minutes
Podcast Aug 18, 2020Root Causes 113: What Is Certificate Pinning?
Though once considered a legitimate security option, certificate pinning is widely discredited for its certificate agility costs.
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Broadcast Date:
August 13, 202013 minutes
Podcast Aug 13, 2020Root Causes 112: Introducing Sectigo Quantum Labs
Sectigo Quantum Labs is a destination for education on quantum-safe certificates (QSC). Our Quantum-Safe Kit enables creation of hybrid quantum-safe certs.
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Broadcast Date:
August 10, 202012 minutes
Podcast Aug 10, 2020Root Causes 111: Secure Data Interconnects
Unencrypted replication across data centers leaves data open to theft. Our hosts explain how this happens and what we can do about it.
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Broadcast Date:
August 6, 202023 minutes
Podcast Aug 06, 2020Root Causes 110: Single, Multi-domain, and Wildcard SSL Certificates
Our experts explain the pros and cons of single-domain, multi-domain, and wildcard certificates.
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Broadcast Date:
July 29, 202015 minutes
Podcast Jul 29, 2020Root Causes 109: Examining MFA Through Phone-based SMS
SMS-based one time password (OTP) is a common form of multi-factor authentication (MFA). Our hosts explain how this scheme fails the security test.
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Broadcast Date:
July 24, 202020 minutes
Podcast Jul 24, 2020Root Causes 108: Why Do Certificates Expire?
Root expirations occasionally make headlines by breaking systems, but it's a fact that certificates expire every day, each a outage waiting to happen.
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Broadcast Date:
July 20, 202021 minutes
Podcast Jul 20, 2020Root Causes 107: IoT Security Baseline Requirements from ETSI
ETSI has published its new Baseline Requirements for consumer IoT device security.
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Broadcast Date:
July 14, 202027 minutes
Podcast Jul 14, 2020Root Causes 106: Massive Intermediate Certificate Distrust on the Way
14 public CAs have to revoke intermediates and destroy their keys, putting millions of active SSL, S/MIME, and other public certificates at risk.
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Broadcast Date:
July 8, 202021 minutes
Podcast Jul 08, 2020Root Causes 105: TOR, How and Why
Many people know that TOR is a browser used for anonymous online activity, but most of us don't know much more than that.