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Broadcast Date:
May 20, 202111 minutes
Podcast May 20, 2021Root Causes 164: Examining MFA Through out-of-Band Phone Calling
We explore out-of-band phone calling as a MFA method, including, what attacks it defends against successfully, and what attacks can circumvent it.
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Broadcast Date:
May 13, 202113 minutes
Podcast May 13, 2021Root Causes 163: What Puts the I in PKI?
Our hosts discuss the key qualities of credential form factors, how they are distinct from their infrastructure, and the minimum capabilities of PKI.
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Broadcast Date:
April 21, 202114 minutes
Podcast Apr 21, 2021Root Causes 162: What Is Sideloading?
In this episode we explain sideloading, its potential dangers, and the underlying motivators behind the sideloading debate.
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Broadcast Date:
April 15, 202122 minutes
Podcast Apr 15, 2021Root Causes 161: Consensus Algorithms & the Byzantine Generals Problem
In this episode our hosts explain consensus, proof of work, and the Byzantine Generals problem. Listen to the podcast to find out more.
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Broadcast Date:
April 9, 202113 minutes
Podcast Apr 09, 2021Root Causes 160: Purpose-built Quantum Computers for Breaking RSA
A new paper describes how a purpose-built quantum computer could break RSA encryption in fewer qbits than commonly are thought necessary.
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Broadcast Date:
March 31, 202115 minutes
Podcast Mar 31, 2021Root Causes 159: Encrypted Communication Provider Indicted
The CEO of an encrypted data devices and services provider has been indicted on RICO charges related to drug trafficking and money laundering.
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Broadcast Date:
March 24, 202113 minutes
Podcast Mar 24, 2021Root Causes 158: Exchange Server Vulnerabilities
Our hosts discuss the reasons why on-premises services might present greater risk than providing the same capabilities in the cloud.
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Broadcast Date:
March 19, 202112 minutes
Podcast Mar 19, 2021Root Causes 157: New Revocation Research
Research of public revocation information examines revocation behavior from public CAs. Listen for the main takeaways and "revocation transparency."
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Broadcast Date:
March 16, 202118 minutes
Podcast Mar 16, 2021Root Causes 156: Kazakhstan Root Attack Revisited
In 2019 the Kazakh government attempted to force its citizens to trust its private root. A recent research paper examines this attack.
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Broadcast Date:
March 11, 202115 minutes
Podcast Mar 11, 2021Root Causes 155: Good for Subscribers Is Good for Relying Parties
We explore the relationship between Relying Parties and Certificate Subscribers and the downstream impact of needless certificate incidents and rules.
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Broadcast Date:
March 8, 202118 minutes
Podcast Mar 08, 2021Root Causes 154: Did Claus Peter Schnorr Just Break RSA?
A recently published paper claims to have destroyed the RSA algorithm, but many people are skeptical.
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Broadcast Date:
March 5, 202123 minutes
Podcast Mar 05, 2021Root Causes 153: Too Many Roots
Trust models in multi-vendor environments are particularly tricky. Learn about best practices in trusted roots for complex, global supply chain ecosystems.