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    Domain Control Validation (DCV) Methods & How to Choose

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 13, 2023

    Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL / TLS) certificates are the gold standard in securing online data exchange. But how can you be sure that the website you share your sensitive information with is indeed who they say they are?

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 341

    Broadcast Date:
    November 13, 2023

    19 minutes

    Podcast Nov 13, 2023

    Root Causes 341: The Trouble with Security Questionnaires

    The practice of sending security questionnaires to technology vendors is exploding, and with it dysfunctional behavior is on the rise.

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    Top 8 Weaknesses in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 10, 2023

    Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a security principle that requires multiple authentication factors before granting users access to a system. For example, a user may have to submit a username, a password, and a security code texted to their phone before they can connect to a web application.

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    What Is Crypto-Agility and How to Achieve It

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Nov 09, 2023

    Today's organizations must achieve crypto-agility, which enables them to switch out cryptographic components whenever necessary instead of being locked into a specific cryptographic method. 

    This article explores what crypto-agility entails, why it's important, how it supports cybersecurity, and how to achieve crypto-agility. Plus, we'll discuss where certificate agility fits in and how you can protect your organizations against threats from quantum computing, which may soon make current cryptographic components ineffective.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 340

    Broadcast Date:
    November 6, 2023

    14 minutes

    Podcast Nov 06, 2023

    Root Causes 340: Is This Podcast Canadian Enough?

    Canada's Online Streaming Act will require internet content providers to provide a minimum percentage of content produced by Canadians or face fines.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 339

    Broadcast Date:
    October 31, 2023

    11 minutes

    Podcast Oct 31, 2023

    Root Causes 339: The ROI of CLM

    In this episode we describe at a high level how to calculate the TCO of CLM as opposed to manual installation and management of certificates.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 338

    Broadcast Date:
    October 23, 2023

    19 minutes

    Podcast Oct 23, 2023

    Root Causes 338: CLM and Your Career as an IT Professional

    In this follow up to our episode on CLM and the IT skills gap, we now discuss how CLM matters to individual IT professionals' careers and work life.

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    The Difference Between “Secure” and “Safe” Is Bigger Than You Might Think

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Oct 12, 2023

    Most of the time, the terms “secure” and “safe” can be used interchangeably. You’re never going to get hung up on whether a bank tells you’re your money is “secure” or “safe” within its vault. But when it comes to your personal information on the internet, understanding the distinction between those two words can mean the difference between effectively protecting yourself and having your identity compromised.

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    60 minutes

    Webinar Oct 12, 2023

    Q4 2023 Pulse Webinar

    Join us for our quarterly Pulse webinar, where we'll cover the latest product and compliance news and how these events might impact you and your business.

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    Root Causes - A PKI & Security Podcast

    EPISODE 337

    Broadcast Date:
    October 10, 2023

    20 minutes

    Podcast Oct 10, 2023

    Root Causes 337: CLM and the IT Skills Gap

    In this episode we discuss how Certificate Lifecycle Management and certificate automation can help mitigate the challenges posed by the IT skills gap.

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    Certificate Authorities: What They Are & Why They’re Important

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Oct 03, 2023

    CAs are trusted organizations that store, sign and issue SSL certificates for websites. Learn more about how Certificate Authorities work with Sectigo.

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Oct 03, 2023

    Public key infrastructure (PKI) relies on two different cryptographic keys, a public key and a private key, to encrypt and decrypt data. These complex algorithms use mathematical formulas to generate digital certificates with unique digital identities to secure information.