Podcast Oct 21, 2022
Root Causes 249: What Is MFA Exhaustion?
Recent high profile attacks that were enabled by defeating MFA. We explain the concept of MFA fatigue and why it is an enabler for these attacks.
Webinar Oct 20, 2022
Is Your Passwordless Really Passwordless Webinar
Passwordless is a hot topic, and rightly so. Unfortunately, many so-called “passwordless” solutions are anything but. Learn more about true passwordless.
Podcast Oct 18, 2022
Root Causes 248: Azure Code Signing Announced
Microsoft has announced the upcoming availability of a Microsoft-run code signing solution inside the Azure platform. We explain what to expect.
Podcast Oct 13, 2022
Root Causes 247: Uber Breach Unpacked
A recent high-profile breach of Uber's systems led to widespread data loss. Our experts unpack the specifics of this attack.
Podcast Oct 04, 2022
Root Causes 246: Google Chrome Root Program Announced
Google Chrome recently announced the formation of its trusted root program. We explain why Chrome is launching now and the program's implications.
Podcast Sep 29, 2022
Root Causes 245: One Time Passcode as a Liability
A recent article from Brian Krebs advances the idea that using OTP MFA may actually be a liability to security. We explain that reasoning.
Podcast Sep 26, 2022
Root Causes 244: PwC Survey Reports Cyber Security as Biggest Risk
A recent survey from PwC reports that cyber threats are no longer solely the domain on the CISO but instead have become every senior executive's concern.
Podcast Sep 20, 2022
Root Causes 243: Which Came First, the BRs or the EVGs?
Many don't realize that the CA/Browser Forum's Baseline Requirements actually came LATER THAN the Extended Validation Guidelines.
Blog Post Sep 19, 2022
Today the world’s data is secured with technology that in some ways acts like a passport. Like passports, this technology – a public key infrastructure (PKI) digital certificate – contains identity information related to the holder. In the digital world, digital certificates act as a “passport” for humans and the machines (such as software, code, bots, IoT/OT, laptops, and devices) they use.
Podcast Sep 16, 2022
Root Causes 242: Let's Encrypt Founder Peter Eckersley Passes
EFF member and Let's Encrypt co-founder Peter Eckersley passed away recently. We honor Peter's memory and his contributions, including ACME and Certbot.
Blog Post Sep 12, 2022
Quantum computing’s arrival will cause a ripple effect touching every corner of the technological landscape. In general terms, quantum computers lean on quantum physics to run multiple processes simultaneously, allowing them to solve certain complex problems much more quickly than traditional computers can today.
Podcast Sep 12, 2022
Root Causes 241: Is China Outspending the West in Quantum Computing?
A December 2021 report suggests China as vastly outspending the West in quantum computing. We examine this claim and its implications.