How to Generate CSR on Lotus Domino Go
This article will go into detail on how to generate certificate signing request on Lotus Domino Go
Start the MKKF utility by typing mkkf at the command prompt The system displays a menu page
Note: The MKKF utility places the keyring file in the current directory unless otherwise specified
Select N to create a new key ring file
After you type in a key ring file name, the next menu screen will come up
Select W to work with keys and certificates
Select C to create a new key and certificate request.
Type a password when prompted
Select P to choose PKCS#10 certificate request format at the next menu.
Select M to modify the certificate request fields at the next menu.
Note: The following characters can not be accepted: < > ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * / \ ( ) ?&
Country Name - The two-letter ISO abbreviation for your country
State or Province Name - The state or province where your organization is located.
Note: Do not use abbreviations
City or Locality - The city where your organization is located
Organization Name - The exact legal name of your organization
Organizational Unit - Optional for additional organizational information
Common Name - The fully qualified domain name for your web server
Note: You will get a certificate name check warning if this is not an exact match
If you intend to secure the URL, then your CSR's server common name must be
Server Admin.'s email address - Your email address
Select R to create the key and certificate request
After the key and certificate request are created, select X to exit from MKKF utility
Save the changes to the key-ring file
Make a backup copy of your keyring file and store it in a safe place