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    What it takes to be a reputable Certificate Authority

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 28, 2024

    Certificate Authorities (CAs) are vital for digital security, providing SSL/TLS certificates that authenticate and secure online communications. They ensure data integrity and privacy, protecting against security threats. A reputable CA adheres to industry standards, undergoes rigorous audits, and complies with CA/Browser Forum regulations. Businesses must choose CAs based on reputation, validation levels, domain flexibility, lifecycle management, and customer support. Sectigo, a leading CA, offers robust security solutions and exceptional customer service, making it a top choice for securing websites, networks, and applications.

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    What is a Private CA? How to manage internal certificates

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Mar 11, 2024

    Secure internal communications with Sectigo private CA solution. Cost-effective, flexible and robust. Explore benefits, setup and solution selection.

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    Certificate Authorities: What They Are & Why They’re Important

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Oct 03, 2023

    CAs are trusted organizations that store, sign and issue SSL certificates for websites. Learn more about how Certificate Authorities work with Sectigo.