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Baseline Requirements for CAs explained
Blog Post from Sectigo
Blog Post Feb 23, 2022Learn about the Baseline Requirements for CAs, their role in browser trust, and what happens when CAs fail to comply.
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Broadcast Date:
January 24, 202216 minutes
Podcast Jan 24, 2022Root Causes 201: What Are the Baseline Requirements?
The CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements (BR) are hugely influential in the world of public-trust certificates. We explain them and why they matter.
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Broadcast Date:
August 30, 202113 minutes
Podcast Aug 30, 2021Root Causes 181: Limitation of DCV Through Web Site Changes
Domain Control Validation (DCV) for SSL certificates using the "change to web site" method will be changing late this year. We explain these changes.
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Broadcast Date:
June 8, 202110 minutes
Podcast Jun 08, 2021Root Causes 166: The Trouble with OU Fields
Of all aspects of public SSL certificates, few are as controversial as the OU field. Our hosts explain why this field is an industry flashpoint.
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Broadcast Date:
November 5, 202014 minutes
Podcast Nov 05, 2020Root Causes 127: What a Chief Compliance Officer at a Public CA Does
Our hosts discuss what compliance means at a public Certificate Authority (CA) like Sectigo and what the Chief Compliance Officer does.
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Broadcast Date:
September 4, 202019 minutes
Podcast Sep 04, 2020Root Causes 117: Why Default Deny Matters to the CA/Browser Forum
CABF has been discussing "default deny," an approach to ambiguities in existing guidelines, with significant impact on how to interpret the rules.
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Broadcast Date:
July 14, 202027 minutes
Podcast Jul 14, 2020Root Causes 106: Massive Intermediate Certificate Distrust on the Way
14 public CAs have to revoke intermediates and destroy their keys, putting millions of active SSL, S/MIME, and other public certificates at risk.
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COVID-19 Strains Critical Certificate Authority Processes
News Article from Sectigo
News Article Apr 24, 2020Certificate authority oversight was complex and arduous prior to COVID-19, but social distancing requirements, quarantines and shelter-in-place orders have made the in-person meetings required to secure and verify digital certificates enormously difficult.
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60 minutes
Webinar Mar 26, 2020Q1 2020 Sectigo Pulse Webinar
Join us to learn about the latest product and compliance updates along with other industry news that could have an impact on your business.
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Broadcast Date:
March 13, 202021 minutes
Podcast Mar 13, 2020Root Causes 73: Apple to Drop Support for Two-year SSL Certificates
Apple announced it will distrust TLS certificates issued with terms over thirteen months for its products. We discuss this change and its implications.
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Sectigo Code Signing Authentication Evolves
Blog Post from Sectigo
Blog Post Jan 07, 2020Some Sectigo Code Signing certificate subscribers have opined recently that our Code Signing authentication now includes additional steps and requirements it did not have in previous years. This observation is accurate. Sectigo of recent has increased its process and requirements for obtaining Code Signing certificates.
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Sectigo to Remove Brand Information from DV Certificates
Notification from Sectigo
Notification Dec 12, 2019Sectigo recently announced that we will make a change to our issuance practices to remove “static” brand and hosting information from the OU fields of our Domain Validation (DV) certificates. These descriptors include the brand name of the certificate (e.g. “PositiveSSL”) and the name of the hosting provider (e.g. “Hosted by NAME”).