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Changes Coming to Comodo CA Certificate Lifetime Policies
Blog Post from Sectigo
Blog Post Jan 17, 2018Beginning March 1, 2018, Comodo CA will reduce the maximum lifetime for all SSL (TLS) certificates to a maximum of 825 days, or just over 27-months. This timeline is down from the current term of 39-months, meaning the maximum validity for an SSL certificate will be two years. Three-year certificates will be removed as options from our retail website, API’s and provisioning portals.
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Google Browser Warnings: Be Sure Your Site Is Secure
Blog Post from Sectigo
Blog Post Jan 08, 2018It’s no secret that Google has announced its distrust of certain SSL certificate issuers. As a result, Google, Mozilla and others are now displaying warnings, which can turn a would-be customer into a lost opportunity, leading to less traffic and less revenue.
These warnings will continue to escalate throughout the year, based on Google’s scheduled Chrome releases.