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The total economic impact™ of Sectigo Certificate Manager

Cost savings and business benefits with Sectigo Certificate Manager

Discover how you can drive a ROI of 243% and a Net Present Value of $3.9M.

Business challenges

Managing digital certificates can be an overwhelming task. Traditional methods often involve manual processes and disparate tools, leading to inefficiencies and increased risk of errors. Certificates managed with spreadsheets or fragmented systems lack automation, making it hard to track expiration dates and ensure timely renewals. This often results in expired certificates causing service disruptions and consuming valuable time and resources to resolve.

How Sectigo Certificate Manager can transform your business

Sectigo commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study, examining the ROI enterprises may achieve by deploying SCM. With SCM, you can achieve the following results:


Return on investment (ROI)



Benefits PV



Net present value (NPV)

<6 months

<6 months


Download our Forrester TEI study

Key benefits of Sectigo Certificate Manager


SCM is a cloud-native platform that automates digital certificate management, providing comprehensive visibility and control over certificate lifecycles.

Error reduction

Automating certificate management reduces human errors and the risk of costly outages, especially with the increasing frequency of certificate renewals.

Crypto agility

SCM supports crypto agility and integrates with various public and private certificate authorities, enhancing security and simplifying user experience.


With over 50 integrations, Sectigo ensures interoperability, making SCM a comprehensive certificate lifecycle management (CLM) solution.

Ready to transform your certificate management strategy?

Request a demo today to see the impact SCM can have on your digital certificate management processes.