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IoT Security & Identity Management Solution

Digital identity management for Internet of Things devices

Simplify the security and authentication of connected devices, so you can protect your infrastructure in a way that is scalable, cost-effective, and easy to manage.

Single platform to issue & manage device certificates

No one wants to suffer the next botnet catastrophe or large-scale data breach. The Sectigo IoT Security & Identity Management Platform provides data protection in a simple solution, offering a single pane of glass for certificate issuance and management. By removing cybersecurity as a barrier, you can fully unlock the data on your IoT device identities and maximize their value to your business. Our solution supports seamless integration with existing infrastructures while improving device management practices and streamlining operations.

The IoT Security & Identity Mangement platform enables you to update digital certificates in real-time, giving you the cryptographic agility to guard against the upcoming computing era.

Our technologies are purpose-built for functionality across connected devices and are interoperable across nearly all trust models, devices, operating systems, chipset architectures, and protocols. This removes the pain and complexity of securely building, provisioning, and running embedded devices while supporting advanced identity and access management practices.

Purpose-built certificate issuance and management

Cloud-Based Certificate Issuance

Issue certificates for IoT devices via the cloud during manufacturing or when first installed on a customer network, ensuring authenticity and enabling secure communication.

Factory Certificate Issuance

Issue certificates for IoT devices on demand during manufacturing or when first installed on a customer network, ensuring identity and secure communications.

Certificate Lifecycle Management

Use our lightweight Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) agent to perform certificate lifecycle management in the field without device downtime, enhancing device security and minimizing the risks of outages.

We partner with leading IoT consortiums and technology partners

Benefits of our IoT identity management & security solution

Peace of mind

No one wants to be a victim in the next large-scale cyberattack and have sensitive data stolen. PKI is the gold standard in identity security, and incorporating it onto your endpoints devices protects against security risks that could turn into major vulnerabilities. Choosing a partner with the experience and scale of Sectigo ensures your infrasctructure is protected with advanced access control and automation tool.

Standards compliance

New security legislation and standards are being proposed for IoT devices. Sectigo’s IoT Platform delivers end-to-end security services for every connected device, from manufacture and through the entire identity lifecycle, enabling OEMs to build secure IoT devices that meet necessary standards.

Multi-vendor ecosystem support

Our management automation platform allows enterprises to secure devices on their IoT network infrastructure in a way that is scalable, cost-effective, and easy-to-manage. Sectigo operates the PKI infrastructure for critical IoT ecosystems including Sunspec, WiMax Forum, GSMA, and the Open Connectivity Foundation.

We are proud to be a leader in IoT security solutions

Sectigo security products, including our IoT Security & Identity Management Platform, have been consistently selected for multiple awards.

Get in touch to book a demo of Sectigo Certificate Manager today!