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Discover and monitor your digital certificates with ease

Automatically find all your digital certificates and acquire a complete inventory to eliminate outages.

You cannot manage what you cannot see

With the rising prevalence of machine identities within organizations and the certificates that maintain security, the creation and upkeep of an accurate inventory can only be achieved through automated discovery services. Without such an inventory, organizations lack visibility into certificates that are expiring, vulnerabilities, or non-compliance with security policies.

Sectigo Discovery Service helps manage the certificate chaos

Certificate downtime

Automatically stay on top of expirations and compliance requirements.

Manual checks

Eliminate manual monitoring with automated alerts for expirations and compliance issues, ensuring smooth and secure operations

Multiple platforms

Whether a handful or thousands of certificates, say goodbye to outdated certificate spreadsheets, manual updates, or makeshift dashboards

Crypto agility & visibilty

Don’t stress as security mandates change. Ensure that every certificate is known, current, quickly replaceable, and sorted to adapt seamlessly to evolving security requirements.

Book a demo to see our Discovery Service in action!

Take the first step to quantum readiness with digital certificate discovery

Start pioneering your path to quantum readiness by taking the first step: quantum exposure inventory. Automate certificate discovery, and have an overview of your current digital certificate landscape, identifying which certificates require quantum-resistant algorithms. Understanding your existing cryptographic assets is the first step towards quantum resilience.

Sectigo Discovery Service features

Whether you are looking to automate the basics or need a robust solution to support a growing enterprise, empower your IT with Sectigo Discovery Service

Comprehensive scanning
Real-time alerts
Centralized visibility
Scalable architecture
Enhanced control
Augment what you have

Schedule a demo today to see our Discovery Service in action!